Assamese (Asmiya) Typing - অসমীয়া

Assamese Typing
English to Assamese Translate English To Assamese
Word by Word Character by Character Simple Mode
Insert Characters
Type in English Press Space bar to Get in Assamese (Press "Ctrl G" to Switch Language)
Total Words: 0
Total Characters: 0
Characters (Excluding Spaces): 0
English to Assamese Keyboard - Click to Expand

Suggestion Word Appears Here!

Its very easy and simple to type in Asmiya (Assamese Type) using unicode. Just type the text in english in the given box and press space, it will convert the text in Asmiya script. Click on a word to see more options.

To switch between Asmiya and English use ctrl + g. Now copy the text and use it anywhere on emails, chat, facebook, twitter or any website.

Asmiya Typing is very simple with English to Asmiya converter, Now you have to type in English as you speak the software for translate english to Asmiya font are works on phonetic pattern. The resultant text in Asmiya is unicode font Asmiya text so you can use it to anywhere like facebook, twiter, comments etc.

It's very important to type in Asmiya it can express your feeling with the words you have typed that is not possible in English language.

The English to Asmiya converter also provides suggestion for words you are going to type so it will be useful for you to select the right word to type and also saves your time with auto complete feature of Asmiya Type Software.